The International Institute of Buffalo was established in 1918 to support War Brides coming to the United States after World War I. As the needs of landed immigrants and newcomers changed, the International Institute developed into a Buffalo mainstay, helping ethnic communities rapidly integrate, while honoring and preserving their heritage. Currently, the International Institute of Buffalo is dedicated to assisting refugees and immigrants overcome language and cultural barriers so that they can become self-sufficient, productive members of our community, as well as promoting global education and international connections in Western New York. On an average day, we welcome more than 200 people into our building to learn English, get oriented to life in America, acquire job skills, seek refuge from domestic violence, receive interpreting and translation assistance, or learn about cultures, languages and countries around the world.
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International Institute of Buffalo in the Press

The new Hertel Avenue is showing the promise of the latest wave of immigrants

Another Voice: Easing of H-1B visa cap would benefit the Great Lakes region