Research, Reports and Publications

Welcoming Economies Playbook: Strategies for Building an Inclusive Local Economy
Welcoming America + Global Detroit - 2018

The Immigrant Success Story: How Family-Based Immigrants Thrive in America
American Immigration Council - 2018

New Americans and a New Direction: The Role of Immigrants in Reviving the Great Lakes Region
New American Economy - 2017

Heartland Hospitality: Serving the needs of the midwest economy through immigration
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs - 2017

Untapped Talent: The Costs of Brain Waste among Highly Skilled Immigrants in the United States
Migration Policy Institute - 2016

Immigrants and WIOA Services: Comparison of Sociodemographic Characteristics of Native- and Foreign-Born Adults
Migration Policy Institute - 2016

Steps to Success: Integrating Immigrant Professionals in the United States
IMPRINT and WES Global Talent Bridge - 2015

Impact of Refugees in Central Ohio
New Americans Initiative, City of Columbus & Partnership for a New American Economy - 2015

Global Talent Hiring in St. Louis: Current Challenges and Recommendations for Retaining International Students Post-Graduation
University of Missouri, St. Louis - 2015

Growing the Heartland: How Immigrants Offset Population Decline & an Aging Workforce in Midwest
Chicago Council on Global Affairs - 2014

Fostering an Inclusive Identity Where It Matters Most: At the Local Level
Migration Policy Institute - 2014

Closing Economic Windows: How H-1B Visa Denials Cost U.S.-Born Tech Workers Jobs and Wages During the Great Recession
Partnership for a New American Economy - 2014

Reimagining the Midwest: Immigration Initiatives and the Capacity of Local Leadership
Chicago Council on Global Affairs - 2014

Choosing Philadelphia: Attracting and Retaining Immigrant Newcomers
Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians 2014

Population Growth as the Cure for the Incredible Shrinking City?
Cleveland State University Center for Population Dynamics - 2014

Lessons for U.S. Metro Areas: Characteristics and Clustering of High-Tech Immigrant Entrepreneurs
Kauffman Foundation - 2014

From Balkanized Cleveland to Global Cleveland – A Theory of Change for Legacy Cities
Ohio City Inc. - 2013

Economic Impact of Refugees in the Cleveland Area
Chmura Economics & Analytics - 2013

Neighborhood Development Center’s estimated impact on the West Side of Saint Paul
Wilder Research - 2013

Neighborhood Development Center’s estimated impact on the East Side of Saint Paul
Wilder Research - 2013

International Talent Retention in Michigan: A Pathway to National Competitiveness
Global Detroit and Michigan Global Talent Retention Initiative - 2013

Digital Diaspora: How Immigrants Are Capitalizing on Today’s Technology
Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians 2012